Someone is this world is crying right now because somewhere in this world they just lost someone and had to say goodbye. People are saying goodbye to someone they love every second of every day.
Death is a word that everyone hates to hear or say...
But why do we hate it? Why do we not love it?
Some people say death is beautiful? Why doesn't everyone think that?
I think that there is two ways you can look at death..
Death can either be a beautiful thing because you know they'll be happier and you will see them again..
Or death can be something you hate and is super depressing and bring you down as well.
Death is scary but it's going to happen to all of us and one day we will all be dead. We need to start living knowing that we will die one day because it will only make us live a life we want and have no fears. We shouldn't be afraid to die.. we should be afraid that we aren't living our life good enough to die.
Someone is this world is crying right now because somewhere in this world they just lost someone and had to say goodbye. People are saying goodbye to someone they love every second of every day. #Stolen